
Chefchaouen : Travel Guide

Chefchaouen, the blue essence of Africa.  


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General information

Chefchaouen, also known as the "Blue City," is a magical destination nestled in the mountains of northern Morocco. With its narrow streets and houses painted in shades of blue, this city offers a unique and enchanting atmosphere.


The city of Chefchaouen is a small town with approximately 50,000 inhabitants.


Chefchaouen enjoys a pleasant Mediterranean climate. Summers are hot with temperatures often reaching 30°C, while winters are mild with temperatures around 10°C. 


The official currency is the Moroccan Dirham (DH, MAD).


The official language in Chefchaouen is Arabic, but a majority of people also speak French, English, and Spanish.

A bit of history

Chefchaouen, also known as Chaouen, was founded in 1471 by Moulay Ali Ben Moussa Ben Rached El Alami, a leader of the Berber tribe Banu Rached. At that time, the region was under the control of the Kingdom of Morocco, but Chefchaouen served as a small fortress that acted as an outpost to monitor the activities of the Portuguese, who occupied the neighboring city of Ceuta.

In the 15th century, Jews and Muslims fleeing the Spanish Reconquista in Andalusia settled in Chefchaouen, bringing a diverse population and a Hispano-Moorish cultural influence to the city. This is reflected in the architecture and traditions of Chefchaouen, with its narrow streets, whitewashed houses, and Andalusian influences.

Over the years, the city has been subject to various influences. In 1920, Chefchaouen became part of the Spanish protectorate in Morocco. Under Spanish rule, the city experienced development and modernization, with many buildings constructed or renovated in the Spanish style. However, Chefchaouen has also maintained its distinctive traditional character and peaceful ambiance.

After Morocco gained independence in 1956, Chefchaouen returned under Moroccan control and continued to develop while preserving its historical heritage. Over the years, the city has become a popular tourist destination due to its unique charm, tranquil atmosphere, and distinctive blue architecture.

Today, Chefchaouen attracts visitors from around the world who come to admire its narrow winding streets, vibrant blue houses, bustling markets, and surrounding mountain landscapes. The city also offers incredible panoramic views from its surrounding hills and has become a base for hikers and outdoor enthusiasts looking to explore the Rif Mountains.



What to visit in Chefchaouen

If you're looking for ideas to discover the best spots in the "Blue City," you're in the right place! In this section, we will present the main attractions and activities not to be missed during your visit to this fascinating city in northern Morocco.

The Médina

The Spanish Mosque

When to visit Chefchaouen

The best time to visit Chefchaouen is during spring or autumn. During these seasons, temperatures are mild and pleasant, making it ideal for exploring the city and hiking in the surrounding mountains. In summer, Chefchaouen can be quite hot, while in winter, temperatures can be cool, especially at night.

  • he summer season in Chefchaouen extends from June to September
  • The rainy season in Chefchaouen lasts from November to March

In summary, if you prefer drier, sunnier weather, the best time to visit Chefchaouen would be during the dry season. If you are more tolerant of the rains and want to avoid the crowds, the rainy season might be a good choice.

What to do around Chefchaouen

If you're looking for cities to visit around Chefchaouen, you're in the right place! In this section, we will present the best destinations near Chefchaouen, whether they are major cities, spectacular natural sites, or traditional villages. Don't miss the opportunity to discover the wonders of the Rif region during your stay in Chefchaouen.



Our selection of accommodations in Chefchaouen

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Our selection of restaurants in Chefchaouen

If you're looking for the best restaurants to experience Chefchaouen's cuisine, you're in the right place! In this section, we will present the top establishments where you can savor the northern specialties of Morocco and explore new tastes and flavors in this region.


Aladdin restaurant

The events not to be missed in Chefchaouen.

Discover the most popular events in the region, whether they are festivals, concerts, or sports competitions. Don't miss these opportunities to experience the lively atmosphere of northern Morocco and discover its unique traditions and way of life.

The Art Festival of Chefchaouen

The Chefchaouen Arts Festival is a cultural event that takes place annually in the city of Chefchaouen, Morocco. The festival showcases a variety of artistic expressions, including music, dance, theater, visual arts, and literature. Local and international artists perform in concerts, dance performances, and theatrical plays. Art exhibitions are also organized, featuring works from emerging and established artists.

The Moulay Abdessalam's Moussem

The Moussem de Moulay Abdessalam is an important religious celebration that takes place annually in September. The residents of Chefchaouen and pilgrims from all over Morocco come together to pay tribute to Moulay Abdessalam, the patron saint of the city. The festivities include colorful processions through the medina, traditional dances, spiritual chants, and religious rituals. It is an event that provides a fascinating glimpse into Moroccan culture and spirituality.

Transportation in Chefchaouen


Buses are also an economical option for getting around in Chefchaouen. There are urban buses that operate throughout the city, as well as intercity buses that connect Chefchaouen to other northern cities like Tangier and Tetouan. 


Taxis are also available throughout the city and can travel between northern cities. However, it is important to ensure that the driver uses the meter to avoid scams. Taxis can be hailed on the street or called by phone.

The cost of living in Chefchaouen

The average salary in Morocco
The cost of living is very affordable. 30%

The cost of living in Chefchaouen is generally lower compared to major cities in Morocco, making it an affordable destination for travelers. Here are some examples of common costs in Chefchaouen 


The cost of renting an apartment varies depending on the location and size. In general, the rent for a one-bedroom apartment in a central neighborhood can cost between 30 and 60 dollars per night.


Restaurants and grocery stores in Chefchaouen are relatively affordable. A meal in a cheap restaurant can cost around 2 to 10 dollars, while a meal in a higher-end restaurant can range from 20 to 40 dollars.


The public transportation system in Chefchaouen is affordable, with metro and bus fares ranging from 0.50 to 1 dollar. Taxis are also relatively affordable, with fares starting from 1 dollar.


Cinemas, museums, and cultural events are generally affordable in Chefchaouen and the northern region of Morocco, with entrance fees ranging from 2 to 10 dollars.

Practical information

It is recommended to research safe areas of the city and consult with local authorities' advice and recommendations before going on excursions or traveling outside the city. Additionally, it is advised to stay informed about the latest updates on the city's security situation by checking local and international media.


Travel insurance is particularly important if you are planning to travel to Chefchaouen in Morocco.

Although the city is relatively safe for tourists, it is still possible to encounter unexpected situations such as health issues, lost or stolen luggage, or transportation delays.

In such cases, travel insurance can help you resolve the issues quickly and efficiently, without having to bear high costs or additional complications. 


When traveling to Chefchaouen, it is important to consider several practical aspects to manage your money effectively. Firstly, it is recommended to use ATMs to withdraw cash in Moroccan Dirhams.

However, make sure to withdraw money from safe and well-lit locations such as shopping centers or banks. Avoid exchanging money in the streets or non-official locations as it can be risky and you may be scammed.

It is also important to travel with international credit or debit cards, such as Visa or Mastercard. Check with your bank for transaction fees that may apply to using these cards abroad. It is also recommended to notify your bank of your international travel to avoid any blockage of your card due to suspicious activity.

Lastly, it is recommended to use online payment applications such as Revolut to avoid transaction fees and benefit from competitive exchange rates. Make sure to download the application and set it up before your trip to Morocco.
