
The 10 best things to do in Zermatt

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The Matterhorn

The Matterhorn, the famous jagged peak, is ingrained in the world's consciousness as clearly as Mount Fuji. We do not suggest trying to climb it unless you are an expert mountaineer. The Matterhorn was not conquered until 1865 and four of the seven climbers on the expedition lost their lives.

The Klein Matterhorn

The Klein Matterhorn is the neighboring summit of the Matterhorn and you can reach it using a cable car. At an altitude of 3,883 meters, it offers incredible views. Once at the top, you can explore the Matterhorn Glacier.

The Breithorn

If you want to tell your friends that you have climbed a 4000 meter mountain, you can climb Breithorn. It is considered the easiest peak to climb of all the peaks at this altitude. You will need a qualified mountain guide.


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An unforgettable excursion to Zermatt is aboard the Gornergrat, Europe's highest open-air rack railway. You will reach an observation platform located at more than 3000 meters above sea level. The landscape is magnificent with more than 29 peaks over 4000 meters.


Zermatt is the ultimate destination for a ski holiday. With its network of 54 funiculars, ski lifts and more than 360 kilometers of slopes, you can enjoy skiing even in summer thanks to the glaciers and low temperatures at altitude.

The Schwarzsee

The Schwarzsee, black lake in French, is a dark lake which reflects the surrounding rock. You can get to the lake by taking a cable car from Zermatt. From here you will have a breathtaking view of the Hornli ridge.

The village of Zermatt

Be sure to spend some time in the village of Zermatt, where the streets are car-free. You can discover the history of tourism and mountaineering, with historic buildings such as the Hotel Monte Rosa, the oldest hotel in Zermatt, or the old village made up of 30 typical Walser houses.

The mountaineers’ cemetery

The Matterhorn is one of the deadliest mountains in the world, having claimed the lives of around 500 climbers since its first ascent in 1865. Despite current safety measures, there are still accidents, mainly due to avalanches and changes sudden weather conditions.

Gorner Gorge

About a 15-minute walk from Zermatt is the fabulous Gorner Gorge. Since the last ice age, the glacial Gorner River has been carving a gully through the winding rock, providing magnificent vistas of rocky landscapes and crystal clear waters.

The village of Findel

The village of Findel can be accessed by taking a four-seater chairlift. It was once a pasture for cows and cereals were grown on these slopes until 1954. Today it is a small, picturesque village where you can enjoy magnificent landscapes. These 10 things to do in Zermatt will help you discover all the exciting attractions and activities of this beautiful city. Please let us know what your favorite activity is in Zermatt and if we missed anything.

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