
Jordan : Travel Guide

Discover Jordan's fascinating heritage - a journey through history and natural wonders.

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Plan your trip to Jordan

Welcome to Jordan, a magical destination in the heart of the Middle East. This country rich in history and breathtaking scenery offers a unique travel experience. Explore the remains of ancient civilizations, float in the Dead Sea and discover hidden treasures in majestic deserts. Jordan is a jewel to discover for travelers eager for adventure and culture.

jordan dead sea
Jordanian dinar (JOD)


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When should you travel to Jordan?

The best time to visit Jordan is generally in spring and autumn. From March to May and September to November, the climate is mild and pleasant, allowing for outdoor activities and comfortable visits to iconic sites such as Petra and Wadi Rum.

Moderate temperatures also facilitate hiking in deserts and nature reserves. During these seasons, avoid the sweltering heat of summer, when temperatures can exceed 40°C in desert regions, and the cold nights of winter.

Be sure to pack light, comfortable clothing, and stay well hydrated throughout your stay.

Travel ideas for Jordan

The best flights to Jordan

What to see and do : Top 5 of Jordan

Gastronomy in Jordan

Jordanian cuisine is a true gustatory voyage, blending traditional Middle Eastern flavors with regional influences. Jordanian dishes reflect the hospitality of the people and are rich in spices and local ingredients. Discover a selection of typical dishes that will delight your taste buds during your trip to Jordan.






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Transportation in Jordan


To save time and cover long distances between cities quickly, domestic flights are a practical and efficient option. Local airlines offer regular connections between Amman and popular destinations such as Aqaba and Petra.


Jordan's bus network is well organized, with regular connections between the main cities and tourist attractions. Buses are generally comfortable and air-conditioned, offering an affordable option for travelers on a budget. Fares are fixed, and tickets can be purchased directly from the driver.


Although Jordan's rail network is limited, there are train lines between Amman and some northern cities, such as Zarqa and Mafraq. Trains are comfortable and offer an interesting alternative to other modes of transport. It is advisable to check timetables and availability in advance.


Cabs are widely available in Jordanian cities, with white cabs fitted with meters for official fares. It is always advisable to ensure that the driver activates the meter. Shared cabs, recognizable by their colored stripes, are an economical way to travel fixed distances and are an interesting travel experience for meeting locals.


Car rental gives you the freedom to explore Jordan at your own pace. There are numerous international car rental agencies in the major cities and at the airport. The main roads are in good condition, but it is essential to follow the rules of the road and watch out for careless drivers.


Car-sharing apps are gaining in popularity in major cities like Amman, offering competitive and convenient rates for local journeys. Travelers can simply book a ride via their smartphone and share vehicles with other passengers heading in the same direction.

The cost of living in Jordan

Average Salary in Jordan
The cost of living is very affordable. 30%

Jordan offers travelers a rewarding experience without emptying their wallets. While the country is a mix of historical and natural treasures, it is also known for being an affordable destination in terms of cost of living. Discover below an overview of common expenses to help you plan your stay with peace of mind.


In Jordan, you'll find a wide range of accommodation options to suit all budgets. From budget hostels to luxury hotels and Bedouin lodges in the desert, there's something for everyone.

Hotel rates vary according to category and season, but on the whole you can expect affordable rates for comfortable rooms.


Jordanian cuisine is delicious and generous, and fortunately, meals in Jordan are often affordable. Small local restaurants and street food stalls offer tasty dishes at very reasonable prices.

You can enjoy hearty meals such as falafel, shawarma, hummus and, of course, the famous mansaf, without breaking the bank. Upscale restaurants in major cities can be a little more expensive, but are still affordable by international standards.


Transport in Jordan is also accessible to travelers. The bus network is well-developed and offers economical fares for travel between cities. Cabs are also frequent and affordable for local travel.

Car-sharing apps are becoming increasingly popular in major cities, offering a cheap and convenient transportation option.


Activities and entertainment in Jordan are generally affordable. Entrance fees for tourist sites such as Petra and Jerash are reasonable, given the historical value they offer.

Excursions to the Wadi Rum desert, hikes and guided tours are also affordable. Jordan offers a multitude of enriching experiences to suit all budgets, allowing you to make the most of your trip without worrying about excessive costs.

Practical Information

As with any trip, it's important to take safety precautions in Jordan. Avoid wearing ostentatious valuables and keep an eye on your personal belongings at all times. Find out about areas to avoid and follow the advice of local authorities to ensure your safety.


Travel insurance is particularly important if you are planning to travel to Jordan.

Although the country is relatively safe for tourists, it is always possible to encounter unforeseen situations such as health problems, lost or stolen luggage, or transport delays.

In such cases, travel insurance can help you resolve the issues quickly and efficiently, without having to bear high costs or additional complications. 

Passeport and Visa

Travelers wishing to visit Jordan should check visa requirements according to their nationality. For some countries, a visa can be obtained on arrival at the airport, while for others a prior visa may be required.t is advisable to check specific requirements with the Jordanian embassy or consulate in your country before departing.

Health and vaccinations

Before traveling to Jordan, it is advisable to consult your doctor to ensure that your vaccinations are up to date. Some common vaccinations recommended include yellow fever, hepatitis A and B, typhoid and typhoid fever. It's also advisable to take out travel insurance to cover medical expenses should the need arise.

Culture and customs

Jordanians are known for their warm hospitality, and it's common to be invited into the homes of locals to share a meal. When visiting religious sites or public places, it is advisable to wear modest clothing out of respect for the local culture. Remove your shoes before entering someone's home.

Money and Finances in Jordan


When traveling to Jordan, it's important to take bank charges into account in order to manage your financial transactions efficiently. The easiest way to do this, and the one we recommend, is to open a bank account. Revolution Metal.

Here are the advantages of having a Revolut Metal account for your trips

  1. Currency conversion free of charge Revolut enables instant and transparent currency conversions without hidden fees. You can load your Revolut account with your local currency and convert money to Colombian pesos (COP) at the real exchange rate, thus avoiding the costly commissions charged by traditional currency exchange offices.

  2. Use without borders With Revolut, your account is usable worldwide. You can make online and in-store payments, withdraw cash from ATMs, and even use your Revolut card to pay for public transportation and taxis in Colombia. This saves you from carrying large amounts of cash and facilitates your daily transactions.

  3. Security and Control Revolut offers advanced security options to protect your account. You can easily enable and disable your card in real-time through the app if needed. Additionally, the Revolut app allows you to track your expenses in real-time, set spending limits, and receive instant notifications for each transaction, giving you full control over your finances.

  4. Budget and savings Revolut offers budgeting features that help you track your expenses during your trip. You can create budgets for different spending categories such as accommodation, food, and tourist activities. Additionally, you can round up your purchases to save money automatically in a separate savings account.

  5. 24/7 Support In case of any issues, Revolut's support team is available 24/7 to assist you. You can contact them through the app or the website for any questions or concerns related to your account or transactions.

In such cases, travel insurance can help you resolve the issues quickly and efficiently, without having to bear high costs or additional complications. 

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Travel tips for your trip to Jordan

Frequently asked questions

Iconic monuments in Jordan include Petra, the treasure of Al-Khazneh, the desert of Wadi Rum and the Roman ruins of Jerash.

The best time to visit Jordan is in spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November), when temperatures are pleasant.

Means of transport in Jordan include buses, cabs, car rentals, domestic flights and car-sharing apps.

Typical dishes to try in Jordan include Mansaf (lamb stew with yoghurt), falafel (chickpea dumplings), makloubeh (upside-down rice dish) and knafeh (sweet cheese dessert).

Yes, most travelers need a visa for Jordan. You can obtain a visa on arrival at the airport or online before your trip.

Traditional events and festivals in Jordan include the Jerash Festival (July), the Dead Sea Festival (spring) and the Bedouin Culture Festival (November).


Yes, Jordan is a fascinating country with incredible historical sites, breathtaking landscapes, and a rich culture to explore.

As a woman, it is advisable to wear modest clothing that covers the shoulders and knees to respect the local customs in Jordan.

Plan for an average budget of 50 to 100 usd per day for daily expenses in Jordan, depending on the desired level of comfort.

Mosquitoes can be present in Jordan, especially in rural areas and near rivers. Make sure to bring mosquito repellent to avoid mosquito bites.

No mandatory vaccinations are required for Jordan, but it is recommended to update vaccinations for hepatitis A and B, typhoid, and diphtheria-tetanus.

Tap water is not safe to drink in Jordan. It is advisable to prefer sealed bottled water for drinking and brushing your teeth.

Tipping in Jordan is generally around 10% of the bill, unless it is already included in the check.

You can swim in the Dead Sea, wadis, and hot springs. Always follow local guidelines for your safety.

As souvenirs, you can bring back handwoven carpets, local handicrafts, spices, or products from the Dead Sea.

In Jordan, you can purchase handicrafts, silver jewelry, spices, dates, olive oil, and cosmetics made from Dead Sea mud.

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